Day of Surgery
Surgery Day
Please arrive one hour prior to your scheduled surgery time. The person driving you home must check in with you at the front desk of the Ambulatory Surgery Center. POA requires you to be released to a family member or friend after surgery. Your ride should be available to pick you up 30 minutes before you are discharged from the Ambulatory Surgery Center.
After checking in, you will begin prepping for surgery. Nurses will record your vital signs and you will meet with your surgeon and anesthesiologist. Your IV will be started and you will be given any needed pre-operative medications.
When you arrive in the OR, medical devices such as a blood pressure cuff will be attached. These devices will help your surgical team closely monitor your vital signs during the operation. The medical machines used for surgery can be noisy. The OR is bright and kept at a cool temperature. If you are chilled, do not hesitate to ask a member of your care team for an extra blanket.
After your surgery, you will be brought to the post-anesthesia care unit, or recovery. Specially trained nurses will monitor you as your anesthesia continues to wear off, typically for about 30 minutes. When you are awake and comfortable, you will be moved to another area where family and friends can be with you until you are ready to go home. Most patients feel comfortable enough to go home within one to three hours following surgery.
The amount of discomfort following surgery is dependent on a number of factors, especially the type of surgery. Your pain may be relieved after surgery with medications given by mouth or injection, or by numbing the area around the incision. Although you will not be pain-free following surgery, our goal is to manage your pain to make you as comfortable as possible. Any nausea or vomiting may be the result of anesthesia, the type of surgery you had or post-operative pain medications. If needed, you may be given anti-nausea medications.
Once you are ready to be discharged from POA Ambulatory Surgery Center, you will receive written and verbal instructions for continued recovery at home. Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours following your surgery, as it may interact with anesthesia still in your system. Do not drive a car or operate any heavy machinery until you receive clearance from your surgeon. Follow your specific care instructions closely and do not hesitate to call with any questions or concerns.