Common shoulder and elbow issues that POA physicians treat include arthritis, tendonitis, fractures, rotator cuff tears, and tennis elbow. Our acclaimed surgeons specialize in shoulder surgery and elbow surgery for the greater Renton and Seattle area.
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We use our shoulders and elbows throughout the day-working, exercising, or even just lifting a bag of groceries. Injury or other disorders of the upper arm can seriously inhibit daily life. POA shoulder surgeons treats repetitive, degenerative, and traumatic shoulder and elbow conditions with a variety of treatments including shoulder surgery and elbow surgery.
Additional Resources:
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
American Society for Surgery of the Hand
Arthritis Foundation

If you are experiencing shoulder, elbow, or upper arm problems, talk with your primary care physician about a referral to Proliance Orthopedic Associates or call POA at 425-656-5060.