First MTP (Metatarsal Phalange) Joint Arthrodesis Due to Severe Hallux Rigidus
Arthrodesis due to Hallux Rigidus
What is it?
Fusion of your great toe (big toe) with the metatarsal. This is
performed due to severe arthritis of the great toe that has failed
conservative treatment. Severe arthritis of this joint is called hallux
What to do prior to surgery?
Obtain the assisted walking devise that will be used after surgery
(crutches, roll-about, wheelchair, cane, walker). You should pick them
up at your local pharmacy or medical supply business a few days ahead of
time so that you can practice with them. We can write a prescription
for you for insurance purposes if you need one. Bring your crutches,
walker, or roll-a-bout with you. Obtain pre-operative clearance, if this
applies to you. Perform all pre-operative paperwork necessary for
What to expect after surgery?
These procedures are mostly performed in the ambulatory surgery center
(ASC). When you wake from the procedure you will have a dressing on your
foot, wrapped in an ace bandage. Later, you will be discharged from the
ASC with a bunion shoe. You will be discharged from ASC with pain
control medication. Follow up will be 8-12 days after your surgery,
generally the following Friday or Monday. You should be completely
non-weight bearing on the extremity at this point. Leave on this
dressing until your post-op appointment. If, for some reason, you are
experiencing out of the ordinary pain, not controlled by pain
medications or problems with your ankle or the splint, please call the
office, we will most likely have you come into the office early to
Discharge medications may include:
- Oxycodone/acetaminophen (Percocet) - pain medication that is a combination of narcotic and Tylenol. It is to be taken every 4-6 hours for pain. Most patients are discharged from the hospital with this medication.
- Hydroxyzine (Vistaril) - this medication may be added to your pain regiment to improve the strength of your narcotic pain medication. This medication is also indicated for nausea/vomiting.
- Hydrocodone/acetaminophen (Vicoden) - pain medication that is a combination of narcotic and Tylenol. It is to be taken every 4-6 hours as needed for pain. This medication is given in place of the Percocet after discharge if you continue to experience pain.
- Your doctor may want you to take aspirin, you will be notified prior to discharge. A prescription will not be provided. When filling your pain medications, you will need to purchase over the counter aspirin 325mg. Take one daily until you start weight bearing again, approximately 6-8 weeks.