Same-Day Sports Medicine at POA

Same-Day Sports Medicine at POA

Proliance Orthopedic Associates

An Athletes and Parents Guide to Sports Medicine:

If you or your child gets hurt, having access to Sports Medicine physicians is critical to starting the road to recovery. At Proliance Orthopedic Associates, our Sports Medicine surgeons have teamed with the local high schools in our community to ensure that any injured player can get evaluation and treatment without delay.

During the high school football season, we have a Monday morning walk-in physical assessment service at our POA Renton office where athletes can be evaluated without an appointment. With close communication to the high school athletic trainers and therapists, the POA Sports Medicine team will ensure timely evaluation and treatments of athletic injuries.

Additionally, every weekday we offer same-day appointments at our POA Renton and POA Covington offices for new sports injuries. Any person with a new sports-related injury can be seen by a physician and have access to x-rays and MRI. This can save a visit to the emergency room and expedite evaluation by an orthopedic physician trained in sports injuries.

During football season, our Monday morning walk-in clinic starts at 7:30am. Please bring your sideline evaluation form from the athletic trainer to our Renton office. You will see one of our sports medicine physicians and, if needed, have access to x-rays and an MRI. Please bring your sideline form, insurance card, identification, and medical history.

Same-day appointments for all sports injuries are available for athletes of any age who have a new injury, resulting from athletics. Please call 425-656-5060 to schedule an appointment.