Do you have pain caused by a herniated disc, a bulging disc, a pinched nerve, or other disorder? Join VOA physician Jason Thompson, MD, as he explains what causes a herniated disc, how a proper diagnosis is made, and, most importantly, effective treatment, so you can start living your life without disabling pain. Register for this special seminar today.
Back pain is one of the most common discomforts that people experience. The spine is the support structure for our bodies and is made up of a complicated series of bones, discs, muscles, nerves, and ligaments. VOA spine specialists work with patients to determine the best course of treatment for spine issues. VOA Spine Services offer the latest in neurosurgery, occupational medicine and rehabilitation, electrodiagnostic and nerve conduction studies, and spinal surgery.
Dr. Thompson is a board certified and fellowship-trained spine surgeon who specializes in the care of patients with simple or complex problems of the neck or back. He serves as Medical Director of The Spine Center.
Date: 05/15/2013
Time: 6pm-7pm (seating begins at 5:30)
Where: Medical Arts Center Auditorium, 4033 Talbot Rd. S, Renton, WA 98055