Unicompartmental or Partial Knee Replacement
Unicompartmental or Partial Knee Replacement
Approximately 10% of patients undergoing partial knee replacement surgery may be candidates for unicompartmental replacement option. The ideal patient for this option has damage that is limited to only one compartment of the knee, intact ligaments, and pain associated with the damaged compartment. In young patients, who may face more than one operation over their lifetime, or the ver elderly, who may desire a faster recovery, a partial or unicompartmental replacement option may be beneficial. The most common partial knee replacement is done for medial compartment arthritis, i.e., on the inside of the knee. The patella-femoral replacement, i.e., knee cap joint can also be very successful in patients with isolated arthritis of the kneecap. If considering a partial knee replacement, patients should seek out surgeons who specialize in these operations as they can be technically more difficult. At POA we have one or two surgeons who perform these procedures to ensure quality.
The majority of patients with arthritis of the knee are more appropriately served by a total knee arthroplasty. However, if you are one of the 10% who meets the requirements for a partial knee replacement, you should discuss this possibility with your surgeon.